Corn tortillas are part of the basic diet in Mexican food. Many of the dishes are usually cooked with tortilla as an ingredient, for example, enchiladas, entomatadas, chilaquiles, tacos, toasts, tortilla chips, to name a few. But there are also other foods that are prepared with the corn dough to cook tamales, tlacoyos, huaraches or sopes.
12 in stock
Fresh White Corn Tortilla 1 kilo Cont. 1 kilo
15 centimeters diameter
Please note this product is available for collection at our store and express delivery to all UK.
Or you can order them with an additional charge of £2 per 1 kilo and they will be delivered for you within 24 hours. Orders can be dispatched Mondays to Thursdays, using our Parcel Force courier. Fresh Tortillas are delivered every Wednesday to our premises with 10 days of expiry time if you would like- just pop them in the freezer and enjoy them even longer when needed.
Weight | 1 kg |
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